Signs of Gum Disease
Gum disease is a common condition that can seriously affect your dental health. If left untreated, it will cause pain and discomfort as well as the loss of teeth. It’s important to know the signs of gum disease so you can take steps to prevent it from getting worse. In this post, we’re going to […]
4 Types of Dental Bridges
People who are missing teeth often think that the only option for replacing them is dentures. However, there are several types of bridges that can help restore your smile and improve your quality of life! Dental bridges are a type of dental restoration that replaces missing teeth. They can be made from porcelain, metal alloys, […]
The Top 5 Cosmetic Dental Treatments
Most people know that their teeth are an important part of their appearance. They may not think about it everyday, but when they do, they usually have a list of things in mind to improve the look and health of their smile. Luckily, cosmetic dentistry is a dental specialty that focuses on improving both the […]
5 Reasons Why Your Gums are Bleeding
Have you ever left a bloody bite mark on an apple or noticed a puddle of pink foam in the sink after you spit? If so, then you may be wondering why your gums are bleeding. Gum health is something that many people don’t think about until they notice their gums bleeding. Bleeding gums can […]
Veneers vs. Clear Correct®: Which is Best?
Many people are looking for the perfect smile. They want to have straight teeth, but they don’t know how to get them. Two popular options for straightening crooked teeth are veneers and Clear Correct® orthodontic treatment. But, which is the best option for you: Veneers or Clear Correct®? To answer this question, it helps to […]
5 Things Dental Crowns Can Fix
Do you have a tooth that is decayed, broken, or just not looking good? Dental crowns are the answer to your problems. A dental crown is an artificial tooth cap that covers the top of your natural tooth and is bonded into place with dental cement. They are a popular option for fixing many dental […]
5 Types of Dental Emergencies and What to Do
You may not realize it, but dental emergencies happen all the time. When the unthinkable happens and you are in a dental emergency, it is important to know what to do. Unfortunately, many people don’t know what to do when they have a dental emergency and that can lead to serious problems. There are five […]
Four Types of Dental Cleanings
Dental cleanings are an important part of keeping your teeth healthy. In fact, the American Dental Association recommends having your teeth cleaned at least once every six months to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. There are four different types of dental cleanings: prophylaxis, scaling and root planing, periodontal maintenance, and debridement. Each one has […]
3 Signs You May Need a Root Canal
While many people have heard of a root canal, not as many people are familiar with why root canals are necessary. Root canal therapy is a restorative dental treatment for severely decayed teeth, specifically those that have been affected by pulpitis. Pulpitis is an infection of the innermost layer of your teeth. This blog post […]
The Many Benefits of Composite Resin
Composite resin is a dental material that has been used in dentistry for more than 40 years. It is an alternative to amalgam, which contains mercury and other metals that can damage or stain tissue when it’s placed in the mouth. Composite resin is able to offer many benefits over amalgam because of its ability […]